Vendor Information

Vendor Application 2024

By submitting this application, the vendor is agreeing to the following rules: The vendor must be present on the day of the festival. The vendor must not consume alcohol while on duty. No handguns, firearms, or weapons are allowed in this festival. The World Wing Fest Committee reserves the right to refuse or eject any person from the festival who violates any rules, or local, state, or federal laws or whose conduct is deemed illegal, disorderly, dangerous, or offensive. The World  Wing Festival assumes no liability for injury sustained by vendors while conducting in any of the above manners.

Vendor Contact Information

Send checks to:

Wings Over Memphis
213 N. McLean Blvd
Memphis, TN 38112

All applications and payments must be made through our registration facilities on this web site.

When all your information has been verified you will be assigned a location and you will receive your vendor packet that will include:

  • two exhibitor badges
  • two complimentary Wing Fest tickets
  • lay-out map
  • Schedule
  • A vendor/exhibitor list.


Retail Booth Spaces are approx 10×10– without leaving any space between booths, you should not plan on room to walk-around your booth.

Food Vendor Spaces are approx. 10×20. We have limited space so first come first served.  If you need additional space please notify us by phone.

Cost for space is $125 paid in advance with your registration. Food vendors are $250 paid in advance with registration. Also, there will be a 25% fee from gross sales due from the festival.

All fees are non-refundable if the event is shut down due to weather or civil emergency.  Priority of placement will be determined by the order in which your reservation fee is received.

Permits & Licenses:

The food Vendor is responsible for obtaining all appropriate licenses / permits. These include but are not limited to a M&SC Code enforcement permit and a M&SC Health Department permit. Prior to set up each Vendor must provide a copy of all necessary licenses/permits. By law the originals must be displayed in your booth at all times during festival operation. The M&SC Health Department inspector comes to the festival and inspects all booths 1 – 2 hours before the event (8 – 9am). The Vendor will not be permitted to sell from his space if not in compliance with applicable State and Local laws.


All booths must be fully in place by 9:30 am Saturday. Doors open at 10:00 am. If you need more time for your set up please contact us in advance to make arrangements.

Uploading & Parking:

You may drive onto the grounds between the hours of 6 and 9:00 am in order to unload your items into your exhibit space. After unloading, please move all vehicles as quickly as possible.   Please check with parking lot attendants in the area if you have any questions. You must park in the parking lot since the entire grounds will be used for the festival.

Load Out:

You must remain on site for the duration of the event.  The order of your load out will be determined by our logistics manager who will notify you of your load out time before the end of the event.  Please be patient we will attempt to get you out as quickly as possible. When cleared to leave the festival grounds the Vendor shall remove and properly dispose of all rubbish, trash and discarded materials, including food and grease. Vendor is responsible for bringing appropriate containers for disposal and removal of such disposables.



As an exhibitor you agree to protect, save and keep Southern Hot Wing Festival, all presenting sponsors and their representatives and agents forever harmless from any claims or charges imposed for violation of any law or ordinance whether occasioned by the negligence of the exhibitor, or those holding under or through the exhibitor, and exhibitor shall indemnify and hold them harmless, against any and all loss, costs, damage, liabilities, causes of action, debts or expenses arising from or by reason of any injury to exhibitors, their employees, agents or guests or property from any cause whatsoever prior, during or subsequent to the period covered by the contract. When acts of God, work stoppages or any other cause not within the control of show management make it impossible for exhibitor or any of his materials to occupy or function in the show premises, the Exhibitor shall waive any claim for damages or compensation. IN ADDITION, EXHIBITOR FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT INSURANCE COVERING THE EXHIBITOR AND HIS PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE, PROPERTY AND BUSINESS INTERRUPTION LOSSES ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EXHIBITOR.

Vendor shall submit with this contract proof of the following insurance coverage effective for the above date in the form of a Certificate of Liability Insurance.

  1. Liability coverage of not less than $300,000.00
b. Worker’s Compensation, if available
c. It must list as an additional insured party and certificate holder World Championship Hot Wing Contest and Festival: Wings Over Memphis PO Box 40403 – 38174

Please make sure your insurance company understands our requirements because you will not be allowed to set up without the properly filled out certificate.  Vendor agrees to keep the required insurance coverage and licenses active during the duration of the festival.

All persons, companies or organizations renting booth/concession space do so as independent contractors and not as employees or agents of the Festival or its management herein, and as such assume all responsibility for withholding taxes, Social Security, State taxes, Public liability and Worker’s Compensation Insurance and also assume responsibility for insurance coverage to, from and during the Festival and for accident or injury to himself and/or his equipment.

Reserved Rights:

The Festival Committee reserves the right to prohibit and remove the exhibit and/or sale of items that are not in keeping with the family nature of the event and which offend the moral standards of the community or are found to be causing a nuisance or disturbance by selling them at the Festival. Similarly, no unethical or unlawful practice will be tolerated.  The decisions of the Festival Committee with regard to these reserved rights are final.


The price of all items for sale must be conspicuously visible on signs in close proximity to the Vendors space. No alcoholic beverages may be sold or consumed by the Vendor or their workers during their working hours.  No smoking is allowed in the concession units due to fire and health department regulations.  Vendor may receive deliveries during Festival hours. If delivery is made between the hours of 8am – 8pm then such delivery must be scheduled in advance with the Festival Production Coordinator prior to entering the festival grounds Every booth shall have a fire extinguisher designed for electrical fires and if the booth is preparing or heating food it must also have a fire extinguisher designed for grease fires. You must provide all proper extinguishers.  Vendors shall have at least one person running the booth at all times except persons who are running a booth alone and who may only leave their booth to use the restroom. Abuse of this rule will result in removal of your booth and forfeiture of your fees.  The vendor is responsible for reporting of any and all state and local sales taxes.

If you agree to the following terms and conditions then we invite you submit your application using the form below.  In the event you are not selected to participate in the event then your booth payment will be returned by mail.

Our Presenting Sponsor


Help us raise money for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Memphis.
All You need Is A Grill!

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